Goldenwest vs. Ventura part 2: Throwback Thursday

Found in my drafts, thanks for waiting in case you were: From the 2023 beach volleyball season, this is part two of Goldenwest vs. Ventura, at Goldenwest College in Huntington Beach, CA. Must have intended to bring you part two but somehow overlooked this one (Originally was supposed to post back in October).

Again, thanks for your patience.

Let’s get right to the action from this day, with one of the top beach volleyball programs in the 3C2A, Ventura College.

In case you missed it, take a look back at part one from this beach volleyball match, between Goldenwest and Ventura College. 

Ventura who had an impressive 2023 beach volleyball season, would defeat Goldenwest 5-0.

Check back soon for more on who is featured in the gallery above.

I’ll be first to admit, the updates on here have been a bit behind. Especially since this match was played back in February of 2023. This is a small operation for now, and life did not stop – dealt with and continue dealing with a lot of distractions and interruptions.

However, many of the athletes we cover also deal with the obstacles of life, and continue finding ways to show up and perform. These are some truly incredible and inspirational competitors.

I’m happy to say I may have found solutions to improve the ‘work flow’ in order to bring you more updates much sooner, which includes, keeping track of photo galleries already uplaoded – and drafts like this one that may have gone over looked… As the 2024 season will be here soon, we’re aiming to improve in all we are doing. You can help by donating here – thank you.


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