A photojournalism website covering Women’s Beach Volleyball in the Southern California area.

The Goal ...

Beach Volleyball is a sport that has been growing in popularity for the last 10 years. Yet, there is still very little coverage of this sport.  Many of the Collegiate Athletic programs spare very little resources for their beach volleyball teams, which stands out when you visit the team websites. 

(no disrespect intended. Most are doing a great job, with what they’ve been given to work with!)

We decided this sport needs more coverage. Colleges only have Women’s Beach Volleyball leagues at this time. will be at as many NCAA & CCCAA matches happening in Southern California, as possible.  Our goal, is to help grow this sport with more recognition for the incredible athletes that are competing. You could be looking at Future Olympians … 

Covered On

CCCAA Beach Volleyball

El Camino, Fullerton, Long Beach City, Golden West & more

NCAA Beach Volleyball

UCLA, USC, LMU, LBSU, Cal Poly, Grand Canyon & more

AVP Tour

AVP competitions from Manhattan Beach, Huntington Beach, & Hermosa Beach

Val the Photographer

Our lead photographer, ‘Val the Photographer’ has been photographing beautiful images of Southern California for over 15 years. 

“I’m excited for this journey and where it can lead, as the photo journal on these pages can help grow the recognition this awesome and incredible sport deserves!”

Lead Photographer

Val The Photographer

"it's not about me, it's about the shot! I'll be using the Nikon Coolpix B500 at matches"

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