Let’s look back to the Summer of 2023, at the AVP Tour. The Hermosa Beach Open was a great weekend of beach volleyball. We were there for Friday, in the opening round for Corinne Quiggle and Sarah Schermerhorn. They faced a tough duo of Kelly Reeves and Jessica Gaffney, who took the eventual weekend champions to 3 sets. Corine and Sarah had a wonderful 2023 AVP season, also winning the Laguna Beach Open.
Taking you back to July 7th, 2023 – AVP Hermosa Beach Open 2023!
Several great plays were made on both sides of the net. Great match to start off with from this weekend of beach volleyball in southern California. Reeves and Gaffney had no quit in them. They would end up in the contenders bracket, and would lose to Lexy Denaburg & Carly Khan, who went all the way to the semifinals. If you follow our socials you may have seen highlights from this match between Corinne Quiggle & Sarah Schermerhorn vs. Jessica Gaffney & Kelly Reeves there first.
I had a feeling they would end up winning, just from how well they were playing together. Much more from this weekend is on the way!!
With more downtime coming, we plan to get more galleries up from the 2023 Beach volleyball season. As always, thanks for dropping by. Leave a comment, or let us know if you see yourself in the audience. You can show your support and help us expand our staff, to get these galleries up faster by donating here.